EvästeetLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä
EvästeetLinkki avautuu uudessa välilehdessä
Kristinestad was founded by Per Brahe on December 5th 1649. Today’s Kristinestad was founded 1973 when Tjöck, Lappfjärd and Sideby were joined to the town.
The first wooden church was built in the years 1654 – 1658 on the place where the Ulrica Eleonora church is today, but it was destroyed in a fire 1697. The present church was built in 1700. Thr clocktower is from 1704.
During a war between the Swedish Kingdom and Russia the church was robbed already in 1714. The peace treaty in 1721 allowed eople to move back to the town. A new altarpiece was acquired in 1735 from Stockholm and the inside of the church was painted white in 1736. The outdoor works were finished in 1738, when the church stood ready for the first time.
The pulpit on the north side was made in 1761 and the gallery in 1772. The organ was built 1775 by Nils Strömbäck. The crowns and the altarpiece were moved to the new church 1897.
After the new church was buit the old church was abandoned for decades. Ulrica Eleonora was restored for use in 1964. The latest restoration was accomplished 2002-2008 when the roof was renewed. Ulrica Eleonora has no heating and is therefore used only in summer.
Ulrica Eleonora is open for visitors June-August, Monday to Friday between 8.00-16.00.
The third church in line was built in 1897 of red bricks according to the design of Jacob Ahrenberg. The church can hold 1000 people and the tower is 47 meters high.
The glass windows of the sanctuary were donated in 1928. The glass was tessellated as a gift donation in 1962-1963. The cathedral glass was painted in 1983 by the local painter Birgitta Recksén. It is inspired by Jesus Sermon on the Mount.
The church was completely restored in 1998-2000.
The bilingual parish was part of the Lappfjärd parish until 1905. Today there are two Evangelical Lutheran parishes in Kristinestad, the Swedish and the Finnish one. . The Finnish parish was founded 1978. The Swedish parish home is on Västra Långgatan 29 northwest of the church and the Finnish parish home is northeast of the church on Parmaninkatu 4.
See also http://www.visitkristinestad.fi/experience/sights/churches/